Fig. 11
Sulphate damage in a basement wall. Crumbling of the LWA blocks is caused by a too high content of sulphur. Photo: SINTEF Building and Infrastructure
This design guide deals with sulphate deterioration in walls built of lightweight aggregate (LWA) building blocks. The design guide describes the deterioration mechanisms and methods of repair, and provides guidelines for field and laboratory examination.
Performance of LWA masonry walls and their construction are dealt with in Design Guide 523.133 Murt vegg av lettklinkerblokker omt terreng (Basement walls built with LWA blocks) and 523.242 Murte yttervegger av lettklinkerblokker (External walls built with LWA blocks). Production of LWA blocks and material properties is described in 571.201 Masonry. Materials, types and properties.
Oktober 2012 ISSN 2387-6328
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